This website is dedicated to Radio Amateur DX
Expedition. The KP4DXC US Islands on the Air Mini DX Expedition is
sponsored by Radio Operadores del Este Amateur Radio Club. During
June 26 - 28, 2009 Culebra Island will be activated as a United
States Island (PR002).
I personally thanks Mr. Budd Drummond W3FF for
his support regarding the homebrewed version of the Buddistick.

Basic radio equipment will be used during the DX Expedition. ICOM
Radio and basic antennas like dipoles and homebrewed Buddistick antennas
for 6 to 40m, also a vertical for 80m.
I will be more than pleased to contact you and certainly QSL is
Jose R Vega KP4VP
Apartment 1504 Paseo de Monteflores Condominium
Carolina Puerto Rico 00987-7050 |